
主页GIF为乌克兰设计师Tony Pinkevich作品

2-1 - Imogen Heap



“Imogen Heap1977年12月9日出生,是英国Frou Frou组合其中的女主音。这位有着歌手、歌曲作家双重身份的英国女孩,同时还是一位受过古典钢琴培训演奏家。

通常来说一个组合取得的成就要比成员单飞后更大,乐手们先是组成一支乐队打出名气然后分道扬镳发展自己的音乐事业,但是对Imogen Heap来说情形则完全不同。



First the Earth was flat
But it fattened up when we didn't fall off
Now we spin laps around the Sun
Oh the gods lost 2-1
The host of Heaven pointed out to us
from lightyears away
We're surrounded by a billion galaxies

Things are not always,
things are not always how they seem
will you be ready
(will you be ready?)

The interim of life has got you tiptoed
and pinning all your hopes
on the top dog of dreams
You're not alone in this
The pollyfilla way looks strong
in the weakness of the gaps
Things are not always,
things are not always how they seem

They don't turn out always,
don't quite turn out always how we think
Will we be ready
(will we be ready?)

I'm dying to know what's in your head
I'm dying to know how it all got in there
I'm dying to know, to help
make some sense of it all
I'm dying to know, tell me is it my fault?

I care about you darling

and I care about you

cause I care about you more than anyone else
Things are not always,
things are not always how they seem

They don't turn out always,
don't quite turn out always how we think
Will we be ready?

热度 ( 55 )

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